Newform reinforces its communication strategies
In the issue released in October, the Italian magazine Il Bagno Oggi e Domani devotes considerable space to the great work of communication started by Newform in 2021, in parallel to the project of rebirth and evolution.
Communication is essential, as well as the ability to listen to the feeback from the strong network of global partners. This is what Newform considers as the first measurement tool on which to calibrate its own strategies.

During the interview with the magazine, Alessandra Gessi, CEO of Newform, affirms to strongly recognize how the teamwork represents a plus for the company. The CEO also underlines that the winning approach of the Newform communication consists of looking inwards, before than outwards, to those who every day are the hands and the eyes of the production activity of the company.

Linda Barbolan, Marketing Manager of the company, explains how the value of a clear and transparent communication is a committment which firstly involves the marketing department.
Spreading the company philosophy through its own products, but especially through online and offline communicative strategies, implicates a great teamwork, shared with customers, suppliers, partners and stakeholders. It is thanks to them Newform keeps affirming its identity around the world.